Geologically Hazardous Areas Overlay Zone
Marion County's Geologically Hazardous Areas program was created to implement certain goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and Statewide Planning Goal 7 - Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards.
Marion County Code 17.182 and 16.24 (Geologically Hazardous Areas Overlay Zone) outline the strategy for reviewing development within identified slide hazard and excessive slope areas. This review considers the risk that a proposed land use activity may adversely affect the stability and landslide potential of an area. The intent is to manage the risk by requiring geological and/or geotechnical reports. However, it is not a guarantee that the landslide risk will be eliminated.
Landslide hazard and excessive slope areas are geologically hazardous areas of special concern to residents. The intent is to protect these hazard areas by requiring evaluation and requirements for development in hazard areas.
Information and documents related to the Geologically Hazardous Areas program
Marion County Geologically Hazardous Areas Overlay Zones Map
Rural Code Chapter 17.182, Geologically Hazardous Areas Overlay Zone
Urban Code Chapter 16.24, Geologically Hazardous Areas Overlay Zone
Requirements for Geological Assessments - an overview of conditions to identify geologic hazards and provide an assessment of site suitability. Referenced in Chapters 17.182 and 16.24.
Requirements for Geotechnical Reports - defining subsurface conditions and provide specific geotechnical conclusions and recommendations for a proposed project. Referenced in Chapters 17.182 and 16.24.
Geo Consultant List - individuals with the appropriate certifications to prepared the required reports and/or assessments.
Geologic Assessment and Geotechnical Report Peer Review Application
Guidelines for Preparing Engineering Geologic Reports - general information, prepared by the Oregon State Board of Geologist Examiners, for reports that provide facts and interpretation regarding geologic materials, processes and history to allow evaluation of the suitability of a site for a proposed project.
Links to Other Geologic Hazards Information
Oregon State Board of Geologist Examiners
State of Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries