Drinking Water Program
Environmental Health Services
Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
3160 Center Street NE
Salem, OR 97301
Phone: (503) 588-5346
Fax: (503) 566-2986
Email: EnvironmentalHealth@co.marion.or.us
The State DHS Drinking Water Program contracts with Environmental Health to administer and enforce drinking water quality standards for public water systems in Marion County that use groundwater and serve a population of 3300 or less. Marion County has 190 public water systems that meet this criteria. A water system survey is conducted at these systems once every 3 to 5 years.
Marion County's Drinking Water Program is a resource for water system operators and the public when dealing with water quality alerts, public notices, water monitoring & testing, and sanitary hazard analysis.
Public Water System Classifications
Community Water System: A water system which supplies drinking water to 25 or more of the same people year-round in their residences. Examples are cities, towns, subdivisions, mobile home parks, and the like.
Non-transient Non-community Water System: A water system which supplies water to 25 or more of the same people at least six months per year in places other than their residences. Examples include schools, hospitals and work places.
Transient Non-community Water System: A water system which provides water in a place such as a restaurant or campground where people do not remain for long periods of time.
Oregon Very Small (OVS) Water System: Water systems serving 4 to 14 service connections and commercial or public premises used by 10 to 24 people at least 60 days per year.
Private wells are not regulated but there is an Oregon law, ORS 448.271, which requires
testing of domestic well water for a real estate transaction. Additional information on drinking water from private wells can be found at
The Oregon Well Water Program-OSU or at
Private Drinking Water Wells-EPA.
Revised Coliform Sampling Plan |
Preparing for a Water System Survey |
Operations & Maintenance Manual Template |
Word Doc | |
Level 1 Coliform Investigation Form
Public Water System Rules - OAR CH 333 Division 061 (Rev. 2/1/23) |
OVS Water System Rules - OAR 333-061-0100 (1/1/22)
Translated Drinking Water Warnings |
Well Water Program-OSU or at Private Drinking Water Wells-EPA.
Lead Service Line Inventory Information
Revised Coliform Monitoring Requirements
Water System Training Courses
Arsenic Compliance Help
State Revolving Loan Fund
SDWIS Data Online
Monitoring Information
Operator Certification
Well Disinfection
Well Log Query
CCR iWriter - Web based program for generating a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR).
More information can be found on the
OHA Drinking Water Program web page.
Email Privacy: While we are happy to answer general questions via email, we suggest you do not transmit personal or health related information in your message. We cannot meet any expectation you might have of confidentiality when you communicate with us over the Internet. If you have a specific personal or health-related issue, please call the appropriate county government office instead.
Email address: health@co.marion.or.us
To report a public health emergency, or make an urgent report of communicable disease, call (503) 588-5621 at anytime.