Reduce for a Low Stress Holiday Season
When you envision your favorite holiday, what is it that you enjoy the most? Is it family, friends, or food? Is it the time spent together, the slowness of the season, or the building of memories? We encourage you to pause and reflect on what is meaningful to you.
Sometimes the holidays can be exhausting, piled high with shopping and frenzied spending. All of that spending not only has an effect on our mental health but also our waste stream. Americans throw away 25% more trash during the Thanksgiving to New Year's holiday period than any other time of year. The extra waste amounts to 25 million tons of garbage, or about 1 million extra tons per week!
Choose to reduce this holiday season and make room for the things that matters most.
Tips to reduce waste and stress
Download the Simplify the Holidays Booklet by New Dream.

Make Memories, Not Trash. Celebrations don't have to be wasteful or costly. Check out this list of 50 things you can give that is more about the experience and low on waste.
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