Farm Direct
Spanish Russian
The Farm Direct Nutrition Program is a seasonal program we offer by providing a 1 time benefit of checks for each individual WIC participant during the summer to buy fresh fruit, vegetables, and cut herbs from local area farmers. These checks are in addition to the monthly food benefits already provided on your eWIC card. Some limitations apply.
How do I get checks this year?
July 2024
The 1st or 2nd cardholder may come anytime during the days and times listed below to pick up Farm Direct check while supplies last, no appointment necessary! Please remember to bring your ID. All supplies and checks are available on a first come, first served basis.
Salem WIC Office:
- 3160 Center St NE Salem, OR 97301
- Mondays & Fridays, 9:30-11:30 & 1:30-3:30
- Wednesdays, 3:00-5:30
Santiam WIC Office:
- 11656 Sublimity Rd SE Sublimity OR 97385
- Mondays, 10:00-11:30 & 1:00-2:30
Silverton WIC Office:
- 421 S Water St Silverton OR 97381
- 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 10:00-11:30 & 1:00-2:30
Woodburn WIC Office:
- 976 N Pacific Hwy Woodburn OR 97071
- Tuesdays & Fridays, 10:00-11:30 & 1:00-2:30
Check can also be picked up during your scheduled in-person appointment.
Read-through the Farm Direct Nutrition Program brochure:
English Program Brochure
Spanish Program Brochure
Watch a 2 minute video to learn about shopping with your Farm Direct checks:
English Spanish
Where can I use my checks?
Checks can be used at approved farmers markets, roadside stands, and u-pick locations. Use one of the following options to search for approved locations:
WICShopper App Searchable Database
Email Privacy: While we are happy to answer general questions via email, we suggest you do not transmit personal or health related information in your message. We cannot meet any expectation you might have of confidentiality when you communicate with us over the Internet. If you have a specific personal or health-related issue, please call the appropriate county government office instead.
Email address:
To report a public health emergency, or make an urgent report of communicable disease, call 503-588-5621 at anytime.