Problem Gambling Prevention
Problem Gambling Prevention
3160 Center Street NE
Salem, OR 97301
Phone: (503) 588-5342
Summary of Services
Gambling is an activity that carries risk. For most adults, gambling is a form of recreation. For some however, the pleasure of gambling has spiraled out of control. It has become a serious problem that is similar to an addiction to alcohol or other drugs. The person with a gambling problem can't stop - even when gambling becomes destructive.
Email Privacy: While we are happy to answer general questions via email, we suggest you do not transmit personal or health related information in your message. We cannot meet any expectation you might have of confidentiality when you communicate with us over the Internet. If you have a specific personal or health-related issue, please call the appropriate county government office instead.
Email address:
To report a public health emergency, or make an urgent report of communicable disease, call (503) 588-5621 at anytime.